Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Marco Bitran: Improve Your Mental Health to Win a Tennis Match


If you have learned the important techniques related to tennis and if you have developed physical strength, then you should have the maximum possibility to perform well in a tennis competition. However, your scope to win this type of match is beyond your ability if your own mind is not trained in the best possible way. This article will highlight on a few important tips that are followed by the proficient tennis players for their excellent performance in the competition.

Improve your visualization

Before you participate in an important tennis match, it is vital that you should perform exercises that help you to improve your visualization to a great extent. You should spend at least five or six minutes to visualize as if you have already given your best performance in the tennis competition and that you have already won it.

Plus, you should be able to imagine that you have already used effective ground strokes to make your opponent to be in real danger. Even if you have to play against a strong player it is vital that you should think that you have already won the match.

Monitor your thoughts

Whether you practice with your fellow player or you wish to face the opponent to overpower him it is vital that you should talk to yourself. You should remind yourself that you have the right skills or techniques and defeat the opponent by all possible means. You should think that you have already developed the right skills or methodologies to defeat the opponents. Even when you miss the hit, you should not feel angry or irritated.

Plus, you should determine that you should not complain even if the match referee in this match gives a bad call otherwise there is a possibility that you will get easily distracted.

Develop the strength of your mind

It is vital that you should develop mental strength in every possible way. Even if you show your stamina during this type of match, your scope to win it is limited if your mental strength seems to be too weak. Mental strength signifies your capacity to highlight on every single aspect of your match in the best possible way.

Show your confidence

Another effective strategy to win your match is to show your confidence level to your opponent player on the tennis court. You should look into the eye of the opponent as well as you should display your calm attitude to your player. This type of attitude will be able to present you as a person who is capable to show your best performance on this type of court.

Identify your mistakes

All tennis players make mistakes, but only great players have the abilities to convert errors into opportunities to improve their game plans. You should be able to evaluate your situation and you should develop your own strategies to improve your techniques.

Review your own performance

If you wish to show your best performance and if you wish to develop your mental strength, then you should watch recorded video of your performance. This technique helps you to evaluate your strong and weak points of your performance on this type of competition.

Euro School of Tennis is a famous training institute that is dedicated in offering effective tennis lessons, tennis spring camp to kids as well as adults at reasonable rates. If you want to join tennis summer camp or other tennis training lessons, then you should immediately contact this institute without any delay.

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